Bending machine features

(1) The oil cylinders at both ends of the body of the bending machine are placed on both sides of the slider and directly drive the slider to work. The oil cylinder is provided with a mechanical stop to control the lower dead center position of the slide block; The upward end position of the slider is adjusted by the stop on the side of the travel switch.

(2) The specific value is shown by the corresponding revolution table at the bottom dead center of the sliding block of the bending machine and the end point of the rear stop.

(3) The operation of the sliding block of the bending machine is forced to synchronize the two ends with the twisted shaft, and can withstand a certain partial load.

(4) The upper part of the bending machine mold is equipped with a precision compensation mechanism, which can make the workpiece obtain consistent bending accuracy on the full length.

(5), the use of CNC bending machine electric-hydraulic control, slide operation can achieve single stroke, continuous stroke, point and stop in the middle of the operation, easy to achieve automation.

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